The tools I shared with them are the following:
- Stakeholder Analysis
- Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
- Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS)
- Risk Register
We were given one 2-hour session each day for three days.
First session
- 10 minutes explaining what a project is
- 10 minutes spent dividing them into three groups, and asking each group to list down the top 3 projects among the people in their group. Among the 9 project, I selected a project for each based on its value as an example for the learning objective, as well as diversity (3 different kinds of projects)
- They spent around 1 hour doing a workshop doing the following (a table with three columns)
- Identifying their stakeholders
- Identifying what each stakeholder contributes to the project
- Identifying their leverage on each stakeholder (why would the stakeholder want to contribute to the project?)
- I explained the concept of a sound business model (where each stakeholder is satisfied with the give-and-take). The example I gave was Gmail:
- I then explained some additional things in a non-profit environment (eg, more non-tangibles, like the desire to serve and to make an impact).
- Each group explained their table. Based on the sound business model concept, I gave some comments on their table (eg, would the sponsors really give you money based on the exposure you are giving them?)
Second session
- I spent 15 minutes explaining the concept of Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), including some examples
- They then spent ~45 minutes creating a WBS for their project
- I spent 10 minutes explaining what to do with the WBS they created (eg, Activity List, Schedule and Budget Estimates, Staffing, Project Control and Reporting and Risk Management)
- We then talked about the Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS) for around 10 minutes
- They then spent ~15 minutes to brainstorm on the risks of their project using an RBS
- I then asked them to score the risks in terms of probability and impact. They got the product between the two scores, and I asked them to pick the top 5
- We talked about mitigation and contingency plans for each of their top risks and how they impact the scope of the project
I was planning to show them the following videos on motivation and success:
- Dan Pink on motivation (TED talks)
- Itay Talgam on leading like the great conductors (TED talks)
- Richard St. John on the 8 secrets of success (TED talks)
2 hours is too long for a session. Put a video at the middle.
What I'll do next time
Session 1
0:00 – 0:15 Project and Project Management
0:15 – 0:30 Identifying stakeholders
0:30 – 0:45 What is their contribution to the project
0:45 – 1:00 They would contribute because...
1:00 – 1:20 Leadership video 1 (Dan Pink)
1:20 – 1:30 The sound business model
Assignment: explain why your project has a sound give-and-take model
Session 2
0:00 – 0:30 Assignment
0:30 – 0:40 The WBS
0:40 – 1:20 WBS workshop
1:20 – 1:40 Leadership video 2 (Itay Taglam)
1:40 – 1:50 The uses of the WBS
Session 3
0:00 – 0:10 The Risk Breakdown Structure
0:10 – 0:45 Risk Identification Workshop
0:45 – 1:00 Quantitative Risk Analysis (give me the top 5 most severe risks)
1:00 – 1:10 Leadership video 3 (Richard St. John)
1:10 – 1:40 Risk mitigation and contingency planning (I'll lead the discussion and show the impact of risk planning on the WBS)
1:40 – 1:50 Feedback
Project Management Tools Cheat Sheet (Stakeholder Analysis, WBS, RBS, Risk Register) (I was not able to hand this out due to typhoon Santi...)
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